Sunday, October 13, 2024

The week that was

Miss M stayed with hubs and I for the last week of the school holidays and for the most part the weather was good which allowed us to visit the beach.    Miss M braved the water while I on sat on the warm sand keeping guard.   As you can see by the flags it was breezy.  

Some rock climbing 

A visit to Cockatoo Island

Along with a shopping day at the local mall kept us busy for the duration of her stay.  

Prior to Miss M coming I had been looking through my scraps and noticed that a lot of smaller pieces  had been sitting around for quite sometime so it was decided to up end them from their various colour coded boxes into one big bag and give them a press.  

I have not joined in the RSC for a couple of years - me thinks that this will be put on next year's agenda. My thoughts for the scraps when cut would be to use them in potato chip blocks which would use up quite a lot of them each month.    More thinking needs to be done along these lines.       

This month's book club book is  

I will make a start on reading it tonight.  

That about sums up the week that was.

Back soon and in the meantime 

Happy sewing all


Lin said...

Sounds like you had a busy week, but fun too I am sure. Sounds like a plan is forming for next year! xx

Maria said...

Miss M sure was brave going into the water, been too cold here to go.
Look forward to see what you make with your scraps for next years RSC.

Fiona said...

Fun things to do when Miss M is there..... I too have been sorting scraps - the pressing and cutting takes up quite a lot of time....