Saturday, September 16, 2023

Smoke gets in your eyes & FNSI

In order to try and minimize the impact of bushfires this summer back burning has been taking place surrounding Sydney for the past week and the air quality has been severely affected as can be seen in the photo below from the ferry when travelling into the City this morning.  

The purpose of my visit was to visit the Sydney Museum to see the exhibition called

It was interesting looking back over the history of the "House" as I have vivid memories of it being built, the opening ceremony by Queen Elizabeth 11 and have attended concerts there quite a few times over the years.  The photos below show some of the the posters from performances over the years  and other aspects.

I am currently reading Elizabeth and Elizabeth - a novel based on Elizabeth Macquarie and Elizabeth Macarthur - and discovered something that I never knew was in Sydney in all the years that I have lived here and been in the City.    There is an obelisk in Macquarie Place giving distances of principal roads from Sydney 

I made a point of walking past Macquarie Place on my way to the Museum to find it.  

After my day out it was lovely to be able to sit down  and finish off the drawstring knitting bag that I will be gifting this week when I meet up with my friend who leaves on her trip in two weeks time.

My latest audio book while sewing is 

I somehow imagined that her life growing up would have been quite different to how it actually was.   

Thanks Wendy for organising us again for FNSI.   

Back soon and in the meantime

Happy sewing all


Janice said...

I remember the opening of the Opera House, although I was only 8 at the time. The following Anzac Day Mum took my brother and I on a guided tour while Dad was at his reunion with his old Army mates. They took us all over the building. We’ve only been to a few concerts and plays there. Hopefully the smoke haze will have cleared for the Marathon tomorrow. Well, it looks like I’m one up on you with your Sydney knowledge. LOL. When we had a day playing the tourist back in early 2019, we stumbled upon Macquarie Place and that marker. It was fascinating. Here is my post. Your book sounds really good too. Let us know how you like it.

kiwikid said...

The smoke looks really bad for you Karen, you need a good windy day to clear the smoke but not encourage the fires!! I enjoyed that book.

Fiona said...

Ha... I am listening to that book at the moment..... its fun to hear the history from their viewpoints... how fun the obelisk is there to see.

Hope the smoke clears soon


Susan said...

I don't think I knew about that obelisk in Macquarie Place either!

The Opera House is such a stunning piece of architecture...I remember the woes about how much over budget it was!

Smike has=ze is awful - you know its for a good reason but still awful.

Maria said...

Interesting day visiting the city.
Lovely bag for your friend.

Ondrea said...

Hope the smoke didn't linger. The book would be interesting. A great day out.

jude's page said...

I have read that book, and that exhibition looks interesting

Wendyb said...

Wow, such interesting info.....that's what I miss about not living in the city! Thank Goodness for sharing stitchy friends!!'re our winner for this month's FNSI so If you could pop me a message with email details, I'll get Dawn to send your voucher to you xxx congrats Karen! xox