Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Chookshed Challenge # 5

Was to knit 4 beanies with pom poms and these were finished off yesterday

While soaking up some autumnal sunshine and listening to this audio book which had quite a lot of twists and turns and an unexpected ending which I did not see coming.

During the week I finished off reading this book which had been lent to me.   I enjoyed the beginning of the book but  felt that it was a bit too long and did drag in the middle however I did stick with it and thought  the ending was very fitting for each of the characters.   

While waiting for the next challenge number to be drawn more 6" squares have been cut ready to sew up.

Back soon and in the meantime.  

Blogger is not playing nicely again - it will not allow me to change to colour of the font below from black to blue.    Grrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhh.

Happy sewing all


Lin said...

Nice to get your challenge completed in time. Very colourful! xx

ButterZ said...

Nice beanies

loulee said...

Lovely to see all your beanies.

Janice said...

Well done on another successful month.

kiwikid said...

Well done on the challenge, the beanies are gorgeous! Interesting reading there.

Maria said...

Those beanies look very cute sitting in a row.
Always nice to listen to an audiobook.
I’m finding my photos never seem to be very clear lately..grrrr blogger.

Jeanette said...

Love the beanies, they look lovely all in a row.

Laura said...

Congrats on completely your wonderful beanies! :)

Chookyblue...... said...

the beanies look great.......
pretty sure I have some of that pink and green fabric on the top.......

Hanne said...

Very cute beanies :-) Well done!

Ondrea said...

4 more warm heads. I hate it when books are not enjoyable but I still persevere mainly because I bought the book.