Friday, May 24, 2024

Manly to Shelley Beach

During the week I was a tourist in my local area and spent the day at Manly.   I  pass through Manly on my way to the city but thought I would make it my destination.    I used to do the Manly to Shelley Beach walk frequently but have not done so for a few years now and being the lovely day that it was made it all that more enjoyable.   

Start of the walk- looking back across Manly beach.  

Some lovely sculptures along the way

Destination - Shelley Beach - reached.  This is a very popular beach for scuba divers as you can see.  

Time to about face and head back to Manly

I enjoyed my day out and planning my next expedition to - not sure where yet.  

The beanie that I was knitting last week with the variegated yarn was finished off during the week.

Back soon and in the meantime

Happy sewing all


ButterZ said...

Looks like a pretty walk. Lovely beanie.

Fiona said...

Lovely walk and fun to see the sculptures. I don't know the area - how long is the walk?

Maria said...

A beautiful walk . How far is it?
Cute beanie.

Ondrea said...

Another lovely head warmer for someone. Great pics!

Michelle Ridgway said...

Lovely walk and those sculptures are beautiful. Lovely warm beanie x

Chookyblue...... said...

maybe I need to do that walk one looks pretty........