Sunday, September 22, 2024

Out of control bushfire

What started out as a hazard reduction burn on Saturday quickly got out of control and was declared an emergency. This is the view from my balcony and as you can see it was close

We lost count after 20 fire trucks, at least 4 police cars and 4 ambulances roared past where we live within the space of just over half an hour.   The street was closed off and could only be used by local residents and emergency vehicles.

Once the water helicopters were brought in things started getting under control not long after.  As you can see blue sky is starting to appear.

The Fire Service had decided to continue backburning across the road from us into the night.   This was the situation at 7pm

Not much sleep happened last night and I became aware at around 2 am that there was a snap, crackle and pop sound coming from across the road.   On looking out the lounge room window this is what I saw.   The flames were  spread over a longer distance and leaping up into the tree canopy with several fire trucks and crew in attendance.   As I type this post on Sunday afternoon the fire is still burning out of control but we no longer have the threat across the road from us.     Helicopters have been water bombing since early morning however the wind has picked up which will not help the situation.     

While all this drama was happening I headed to the sewing room and finished off the two summer nighties that Miss M had requested.

Back soon and in the meantime

Happy sewing all   


Maria said...

Do hope they can get that fire under control.
Pleased they stopped the one over the road.
So Scary for you and all ..
Fire is my biggest fear living here on 5 acres and theres so much dry fuel around this year.
Miss M will love her new night dresses.

Lin said...

Oh how scary! Do hope all under control now. xx