Saturday, September 21, 2024

Paint chip Challenge and FNSI

Members of my Saturday quilting group were given a paint chip challenge.   Each of us had to draw blindly a paint chip card and this is the one that I drew from the pile.    We could make anything using those 3 colours with the addition of black and white if needed.

The paint chip sat on the edge of my sewing table for a month before ideas came to mind.   The colours reminded  me of lemons which triggered my memory that somewhere in my "sewing ideas file"  there was a pattern saved for a round trivet.   Below is the result which I had been working on during the week and finished off last night when joining in with FNSI.  

It is called citrus slice which is exactly what it looks like.    I was lucky to have enough scraps in the yellow scrap bin very similar to the colours on the paint chip.   Green and orange would have also worked for this idea.  

This month's book club book is like reading a very detailed and in depth school text book.   

Back soon and in the meantime

Happy sewing all


ButterZ said...

That’s a great idea. Good on you

Fiona said...

Lovely trivet, good idea for that challenge...