This is a lovely old pub and a great spot for lunch - it is very conveniently located right across the road from one of the prettiest patchwork shops around. A good place to spend sometime especially when it is cold and drizzly outside as it was when we were there. Typical Southern Highland winter weather.
We also became "tourists" in our own city and caught the rivercat to Abbotsford for lunch at the Sydney Rowing Club. A must to put on the "to do list" again.

Some much photographed icons of Sydney but I never tire of looking at them.
We then set off the the Blue Mountains rugged up with coats, scarves and gloves. A must especially up towards Blackheath where there always seems to be a cold wind blowing. The air is definitely much clearer and crisper than in Sydney especially along the coast where we have very high humidity for most of the year. This photo is taken looking across one of the many valleys that make up the Blue Mountains.

I also had to do some stash building whilst popping in and out of all these delightful patchwork shops found in country areas. The bottom row of fabric is for my next quilt that I am planning with a sea theme. I love these blues and greens and with the white they should make a good contrast. I managed to also find some backing fabric (not pictured) which will fit in nicely with the other fabrics.
The top row of fabric is because I liked them - especially the end one with blue sheep. What better thing than to have sheep on a quilt!
I have also found time to work on the oriental quilt and pleased with the progess. I now have all the rows stitched together with the next step being to cut and stitch the borders. I hope to get this done tomorrow.
I have set myself a challenge to have this quilt completed before September which is when I take another week off work. I will keep you posted on my progress. I also have to do my second block for the mystery BOM which I am working alongside other craft forum members.