When joining in with FNwF an early start was made as my mission was to cut out the required fabrics and wadding for 20 bowl cosies - 5 were for an order that came in last week and the remainder will be for my stall next month.
Happy sewing all
When joining in with FNwF an early start was made as my mission was to cut out the required fabrics and wadding for 20 bowl cosies - 5 were for an order that came in last week and the remainder will be for my stall next month.
Happy sewing all
Was all about finishing off the last order for 6 bowl cosies
Blue is the colour for February. The blue scrap basket has been pulled and needs to be sorted
I had a phone call during the week asking if I would be interested in taking a stall on the Open Day in March that will be held in our complex in conjunction with Seniors Week. My next task is to do a stocktake of what is in the giftie/stall box. Bowl cosies will definitely be on the list.
Back soon and in the meantime
Happy sewing all
This month the RSC challenge is all about pink so in keeping with that pink fabric scraps have been pulled, cut and sew together into a potato chip block. I did make a small design change in that instead of using all 2 1/2" x 4 1/2" pieces I cut the middle block as a 4 1/2" square just to give the block a focus point.
Happy sewing all
Happened last night but for me it was an early start yesterday afternoon as my mission was to clip, turn and pin closed the opening through which the bowl cosies were turned inside out ready to top sew. This last step in the production line will happen at some point over the weekend. They can then be declared a finish and delivered.
Happy sewing all
Miss M stayed with hubs and I for the first week of 2025 and while the weather was not the best for getting out and about we did manage a trip to the beach, some shopping, lots of UNO was played as the rain fell down, cooking a chocolate cake with Miss M when she stays has become a bit of a tradition. I gave her some fabric to rip into what will become library bags. Her comment on this task was "that would be great for anger management Grandma". Arranging some fabric squares for future small quilts when I get to sewing them up.
Happy sewing all
The past 12 months have just zoomed by - not sure where they have gone. Sewing has taken up a big part of my time and I am pleased with the completed list that appears on the sidebar of my blog. I did join in with the Chookshed Stitchers Challenge organised by Deana from Dreamworthy Quilts which was to name 10 projects that we wanted to work on during the year. A number from 1 to 10 was chosen each month to work on and we worked on the corresponding number on our list. A great way to start, finish off or make progress on projects that have been waiting patiently in ideas files, piles behind cupboard doors, sitting on sewing tables, benches or any other hidey holes that items are stashed. I have decided not to take part again in 2025 but look forward to seeing what others who do achieve.
Reading has always been a great pleasure of mine and continues to be. While sewing there is always an audio book playing alongside me
But when it comes to actually reading I always prefer to hold a book in my hand and turn the pages. There is always a pile of books waiting to be read
Bushfires rage around the country as I type this post and our very own suburb was subject to a backburn which got out of control in September and came very close to us....just across the road. The photo below was taken from our balcony at 2.30 pm on Saturday afternoon and water bombing continued until early Monday evening.
Regular Zoom sessions are organised from time to time by Donna from Chookyblue which are always fun catching up with other bloggers from round the world and seeing what they are creating in their sewing spaces.
We have front row seats in the loungeroom to see the midnight fireworks on tv with no traffic hassles getting home at the end of the night.
What will 2025 bring.
Some years ago I did join in with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge and decided that it was time some of those colourful scraps were brought out from the various colour coded baskets and used up. A good block to use those scraps in would be potato chip blocks. Pink is the colour for January.
I do have an order to fill for a few more bowl cosies so they will be the first item on my to do list for 2025. I will continue to make the small quilts for charity - I might even try and organise the colours for these around the Rainbow Scrap colour each month. Once the weather cools down it will be time to pick up the knitting needles again and do more beanies.
I also look forward to being a "daily tourist" in my own city and local area and enjoy the sights that others sometimes travel halfway around the world to see however while this very warm spell of weather that we are having is on it will be time spent in the pool cooling off.
Over the past few years I have been the publicity officer for the local hospital auxiliary as well as serving on our monthly stalls and doing some sewing all of which I will continue to do in the new year. I am also a member of two quilting groups - one is only small and we meet each week - and the other meets in the local community hall once a month. Belonging to different groups is a great way to be motivated and try out new ideas as well as meet challenges set by members.
Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2025.
Back soon and in the meantime
Happy sewing all