I am not sure if he was eyeing off the food on my plate or the wine in my glass! He - in saying that it could be a she - now comes and joins us most nights just sitting about the same distance away and just looks from plate to glass, stays a while and flies off.
We are so lucky to have such a tame and well-mannered dinner guest.
What a very polite guest,isn't it nice when we can get to enjoy nature so close while relaxing in our own back yards :) Barb.
Very well-mannered - on Dangar Island we had a kookaburra that was not nearly so polite! Would attempt to snatch food off the table no matter how much we yelled and flailed.
we've had a very wet and bedraggled looking one hanging round. A client of mine used to feed them every afternoon. Around 4 they were lined up on her patio and she would feed each one before she would have her dinner. Once I actually forgot to get the food ready for her to feed them and one kookie flew into the kitchen and sat on the fridge glaring at me. That wasn't too bad but when the butcherbird flew in and sat on the cupboard looking at me I got a bit freaked out. Touches of Hitchcocks The Birds.
I wonder if your 'guest' has a family to feed at home?
Thats just too cute! Thank you for sharing!!!
Oh how beautiful and handsome is your guest:)
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