The first quilt that I was working on was for my son and daughter in law. With this quilt I wanted something that was modern and not florally so I went with a red, black and white theme with a few greys in the mix to add some more interest with the lights and darks.
The second quilt that I was working on was for DH who has a habit on a chilly night while watching TV of trying to tug on a corner of my snuggle quilt and me being me do not like to share my snuggle quilt as I need all the help that I can get to keep warm so the thought processes kicked in on what sort of quilt I could make for a man who has many varied hobbies and interests and this is what I came up with for someone who likes to read, listen to music, travel to the Hawaiian Islands, old trains and sailing ships, cheese being one of his favourite foods being washed down with a drop of either red or white, cats, basketball and something to represent his profession - he is now a retired headmaster.