Sunday, January 15, 2017

Row by Row

Today has been the coolest day we have had for over a week so it was a good opportunity to head to my sewing room and make a start on sewing up my 374 squares.    I was very surprised to see just how quickly they sewed up into rows......I now have 18 blocks across and 21 rows sewn.

I was so motivated that the iron was turned on, seams pressed open to reduce the bulk as I put the wadding on when appliquing each circle to give extra weight for the stitching  and 3 rows are now sewn together.

Only 18 rows left to go however this is going to be very slow going from now on  as I have decided to do this quilt as "quilt as you" a technique I have not done before.  I have spoken to a few of the ladies at my quilt group who have done QAYG but they used sashing between the blocks and rows and I do not want to use sashing as it will break up the design of the quilt being a "calendar".   With the help of "Mr Google"  I did find a video showing what I thought was possible but I will need to make a couple of adjustments to fit in with what has been sewn so far and in my mind this should work....hopefully or else it is back to putting on my "thinking cap".  

Linking up with Oh Scrap

Back soon with more progress photos of my version of QAYG and in the meantime

Happy sewing all


Maria said...

Sounds like a big job.. Good luck with it.

Julierose said...

I did four quilts in the QAYG manner with no sashings--I simply sewed the blocks into rows (trimming out the excess batting if too thick) and then the rows into quadrants. I love quilting this it is hard for me to pull a big quilt through and through the machine..
hugs, good luck, Julierose

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

Loving those circles. It sounds fun to try something new. I am sure it will turn out beautifully. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

My Arty-Farty Happy Place said...

Hmm, think you have a big job ahead of you Karen, glad it's you and not me, I had enough problems with a 36 block quilt top! Should look great though when you have put it altogether though.

PaulaB quilts said...

You are doing a very nice job. I like the extra padding in the circles. Good luck with the rest of it!

Pale Blue Corner said...

I love this project!

TheItinerantChemist said...

Your circles are so striking - they're going to look amazing when they're all joined together.

BizarreQuilter said...

Fantastic idea.

Kate said...

Hope you've made some good progress on the quilt as you go thought. It's going to be such a fun quilt.