While I was "undressing" the tree and putting the decorations and tinsel in their respective boxes ready for next Christmas
Hubs was collecting the Christmas cards, taking down the wall hangings and other decorations on tables and shelves in various room. Then of course at the end of all the putting away comes the vacuuming of the tinsel that somehow seems to float off the tree and onto the floor to be tracked through the rest of the house.
When doing this job each year I always think of those people who do the most amazing displays all over their houses including the garden and roof and wonder just how long it takes them to dismantle all those bits and pieces and then where do they store them?
The Rainbow Scrap Challenge is being run again over at So Scrappy . I took part in the Rainbow Challenge two years ago and ended up with a beautiful quilt which now sits on Miss M's bed. I did not take part last year but thought I would join in again this year in order to try and get those scraps down. I did say that I was going to keep my projects small this year so I have decided to make an item of each month's nominated colour. January is blue so I am going to have a dig around and pull all of my blue scraps out and see how they end up.

Back soon and in the meantime
sewing all
Hi Karen,Happy New Year my friend and may 2018 be a good year for you and your family.
I would love to go crazy with xmas decorations but i dont have the storage space,i have wondered the same with the house that have such amazing displays where does it all go when xmas is over.
Cant wait to see what you do with your scraps,hope you have a lovely day Karen xx
Can't wait to see what you make with your scraps! I am still working on my 2014 RSC so I probably won't participate this year. Good luck with your goals though!
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! That challenge will be interesting and I look forward to seeing what you make.
It's always so sad taking down decorations - that's our job tomorrow! I look forward to seeing what you make out of your rainbow scraps! x
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