Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Safe arrival

My last post was all about packed up boxes and I am pleased to report that hubs and I had a very smooth move and have now been in our new abode for a week.     We have been beaving away every day and I can safely say that the kitchen, laundry and bathrooms are now all in order.      The main bedroom has a couple of "unimportant" boxes left to unpack and there is still some work to be done in the sewing/computer room as well as the second bedroom.  

Most computer problems have been sorted....we have changed service providers and need to advise of a new email address as well as change of address.   Hubs did write a  list of who we need to advise before we moved and it is slowly being ticked off.

Each day we give ourselves of goal of which area we are to get into order and  we hope  to have all boxes unpacked by the end of the weekend.   We are waiting on some new furniture to arrive for the lounge room but all in all that room is pretty much finished as well.  

I have a question for all you "tech savvy bloggers".....I will be cancelling my Optus account within the next week and I noticed in my blogger settings under Edit User Profile and down to Identity the user name is in the old email address but it does not appear that I can change it?????     

The area displaying "username" cannot be accessed.      Does anyone have any ideas how to change it?

Time to move on and start the next lot of boxes.     Today I am working in the sewing area - most important.

Back soon and in the meantime

 Happy sewing all


Fiona said...

yay congratulations on the move and all the very best for your happiness in your new home..... as far as I can see the username cannot be changed (it's like a birth name) but it shouldn't make any difference as far as gettng the mail from your blog comments... feel free to use me as a guineapig to check it....

kiwikid said...

Great to hear the move went well and you are getting settled in.

Cheryll said...

The user name is just the log in name can be left as is. .
Then you just add your new email address in the appropriate section & away you go...xox

ButterZ said...

I have changed mine but no idea how.
I just clicked on everything that I could and changed my email on anything that allowed me to. I went into settings of blogger & even my profile, then anywhere it had an email.

Ondrea said...

Congrats on you move. Good luck with blogger.

Janice said...

I’m pleased your move went smoothly. It sounds like you are both very organised in getting unpacked. You will have to share a photo of your new sewing area once it is set up. I bet you are looking forward to getting in front of your machine again. Hopefully the other girls have given you the advice you needed re Blogger.

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

Hope the unpacking and sorting is going well x

jude's page said...

Glad you are settled and looking forward to some sewing time in your new happy place

Myla R said...

This was lovely to rread