Saturday, July 20, 2024

FNSI with a bit of this and a bit of that

As Miss M was staying with us during the week not much happened in the sewing room although I gave her a pile of 6" squares to arrange for the next small quilt.

Putting the last square in place

We also visited the local mini golf centre for a round of 18 holes

A sugar fix at the 19th hole

We did a bush walk accompanied by one of her favourite Beanie Boos

I managed to finish off a beanie and start another one while joining in with FNSI.   

Miss M has now returned home and the domestics that were not done during the week need to be caught up on.   Better go and check that the washing is still pegged on the line as it is blowing a gale here.

Back soon and in the meantime

Happy sewing all


Maria said...

Miss M did a good job of sorting the squares for the next kids quilt.
Pleased you enjoyed Miss M’s visit.
Another cute beanie completed.

Jeanna said...

Sounds like you and Miss M were quite busy. Congratulations on the beanie finish. Looks like you had a great start on another one. I had a productive FNSI. It's so fun to join you all.

dq said...

Grandma Grand-daughter time is the best!!

jude's page said...

Looks like your granddaughter was very serious arranging the squares