Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Simply stunning

Is the only way to describe this year's David Jones Spring flower show as you can see by the photos below.    The flower show features 20 floral installations with over 150,000 blooms, more than 50 species of flowers and foliage showcasing the unique beauty of our land.

A sit down in the Pitt Street Mall under the lovely trees with their fresh spring growth before catching the bus back home.  

Back soon and in the meantime

Happy sewing all

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Busy as a bee

Spring has definitely arrived Downunder with the spring blossoms in full bloom and the bees doing what bees do

It has been lovely to take advantage of the warmer weather (now that the gale force winds have abated) to sit outside with some knitting, an audio book, a cup of coffee and a little sweet treat.

A couple of finishes happened during the week.

Some quilting took place when joining in with FNwF last night

As well as cutting and pressing bindings.

Miss M has requested some summer nighties please grandma.   Fabrics and pattern are ready to go. 

Time to head off and make a start on the day.  Back soon and in the meantime

Happy sewing all

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Chookshed Challenge # 7

On consulting the list for me is 12 bowl cosies.   Into the stash to pull out some suitable fabrics and getting them cut out happened yesterday.

When completed they will go into my Christmas giftie box.

You can see more nominated #7 challenges over here.

Back soon and in the meantime

Happy sewing all