Friday, January 24, 2025

In the pink

This month the RSC challenge is all about pink so in keeping with that pink fabric scraps have been pulled, cut and sew together into a potato chip block.   I did make a small design change in that instead of using all 2 1/2" x 4 1/2" pieces I cut the middle block as a 4 1/2" square just to give the block a focus point.

Pieces were cut and added so that it ended up being 16 1/2" finished and it will take 4 of these to make one of the small charity quilts.   

An all over pink fabric was used to make this small quilt

My quilting group was offered a lot of homespun fabric last year which gave me the  ideal opportunity to take some to use when making library bags for Network Heaven. These were the pink fabrics that were given to Miss M during her stay a couple of weeks ago that she ripped into the required size.   The over locker was busy during the week.   There are 12 bags in various shades of pink in the photo below.      

The cloud formation the other morning cast a pink glow over everything. 

A couple of pink/ish beanies were finished off during the week as well as another started.

3 pink bibs were also made from left over scraps.

Hubs and I celebrated our 52nd wedding anniversary during the week.    We did go out for lunch....the venue was disappointing but the food was delicious.    To finish off the day we enjoyed a bottle of bubbles with some nibbles.

A bit more reading matter.

The stack of 12 bowl cosies were finished off last weekend and delivered.  

As a consequence an order for 6 came in from another neighbour who just happen to see them. Fabrics chosen and ready to start the production line again.  

I look forward to seeing what the colour for February is.

Linking with So Scrappy
                     Quilting is more fun than housework
                     Joyful Quilter - Table scraps

Back soon and in the meantime

Happy sewing all


kiwikid said...

Your bowl cosies are super popular and keep you busy Karen! It has been a pink week at yours! Great scraps block.

Maria said...

So many great PINK finishes…..
Definitely the bowl 🥣 cosy Queen.

Janice said...

I’m tired just reading all that you’ve done this week. I can’t believe how many variations on the pink theme you came up with.

ButterZ said...

Happy anniversary. Great finishes. Yes, those bowl cosies are really keeping you busy. You should be able to make them if your eyes closed..

Lin said...

Goodness, you have been busy with your pinks. Lots of great projects and congratulations on your anniversary. xx

loulee said...

Happy Anniversary. Those bowl cosies are keeping you busy. Lots of lovely pinks.

Michelle Ridgway said...

Happy Anniversary to you both. You certainly are in the pink at your place. Love that library bags are still required. The bowl cosies look great x

Cheryll said...

Lots of lovely PiNK sewing going on this month... Happy Anniversary to you too...xox

Susan said...

You have certainly embraced pink this month!

Fiona said...

Happy Anniversary .... you were definitely 'in the pink' this month. that potato chip one is effective (looks like you don't need to worry too much about corners meeting too much?) Library bags and bowl cosies will be popular (you can add card holders too - I've been asked to make more)

Jenny said...

Many congratulations on your Anniversay, pleased you enjoyed your meal out, if not the venue. I like the idea of making baby bibs, these would be great for donations and I've got lots of flannel scraps. Have yours got snaps on them?

Astrid said...

All those pretty pink finishes! You've been busy! Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

nice work embroidery digitizing service in usa great blogs!!!

Narelle said...

Lots of gorgeous pink projects ... well done!
Bowl cosies are catching on.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I like your 16 inch potato chip block! Looks like those will make a sweet baby quilt. Your bowl cozies are great, too. I need to make some more of those for our family.

The Joyful Quilter said...

SEW many wonderful scrappy PINK projects, Karen! Thank you for sharing with the TABLE SCRAPS Challenge.

Anonymous said...

such a nice work embroidery digitizing company !