Saturday, February 22, 2025


The sewing room has been a hive of activity during the past couple of weeks as bowl cosies have been on the agenda.   The first order for five with floral fabrics was completed along with the next order for 6 with assorted fabrics and the remainder left me with a bakers' dozen - 13 - for my stall next month.  The last ones came off the machine yesterday afternoon while joining in early with FNSI.

The sewing machine has been cleaned out after all that fluff from the wadding and the sewing tables washed down along with my sewing chair which seemed to attract the most fluff.

A large parcel of fabric was sent to me by a very good friend earlier in the week and as you can see a couple of the fabrics were used for the bowl cosies.

I did take time out during the week to meet up with a couple of friends for lunch which comprised of lobster with shallots and ginger.  My other two dining companions also ordered the same dish  and we were all of the same opinion - delicious.   

A few beanies have been hanging around the sewing table waiting for their pom poms to be made and sewn on which happened whilst watching tv last night.  They are now packed up ready for the hospital stall on Saturday of next week.  

The multi-coloured pink one in the front has been spoken for with the purchaser also requesting another all over pink one to fit a 3 year old.  

A check of my giftie/stall box reveals that a few pot holders need to be made.   Fabrics have been chosen and the next step is to cut them out.  

Some new reading material was added to the pile during the week.   The top book is this month's book club book.   It is by the same author as last month's book but I believe it is a totally different by all accounts as reported by one of the members who has previously read it.   

I have already started The Dictionary of Lost Words and thoroughly enjoying it.  

That about wraps up my week - time to start the day.   

Back soon and in the meantime

Happy sewing all


ButterZ said...

Looks like you have a great time sewing and nearly ready for the stall. Omg,,, that lunch looks so good. I’m happy you enjoyed it. Happy sewing.

Maria said...

You sure have been on a roll with all your sewing.
Cute beanies finished off too.
Good you still have time for going out with friends and reading.

Susan said...

Lunch sounds very nice. Lots of sewing - batting does make a mess doesn't it??

Lin said...

That looks like a great collection of gifted fabric. Such a long time since I have had lobster! Yours looks and sounds delicious. Great work for your Friday. xx

Fiona said...

Thats a great weeks haul, of fabric and your own makes.... Gotta love a good meal in there for energy!

Narelle said...

Well done on your bowl cozies. Your beanies look like a cute little family altogether like that xx

Michelle Ridgway said...

My goodness it certainly is busy central at your place. Your lunch likes delicious. Those beanies are so very sweet!

Janice said...

Busy, busy, busy. Your stall should be well stocked. You’ll be able to stitch up a storm with all that extra fabric and lunch looks so good.

Barwitzki said...

I like your bowl cozies... a great collection. Yes.
And super cute beanies.
Hug from Viola

dq said...

The Dictionary of Lost Words sounds like a book I need to check out.
Your hats look so cute. You are just buzzing along with so many things.