This week-end we are celebrating Australia Day and in true Australian fashion we are celebrating in the heat surrounded by bushfires. We will be having our traditional Australia Day BBQ as an inside/outside BBQ - cooked inside and eaten outside - due to a total fire ban on wood/coal using BBQ's. Sydney reached a maximum of just over 40 degrees yesterday and everyone - including us - went to the airconditioned shopping centres.
I am making good progress with the new quilt. I have now a total of 30 blocks all at some point of construction and I spent last weekend playing with them and getting them in the right position. Now that I am back at work sewing time is limited to the weekends. If time permits today I will get more of the black sashing cut and then perhaps I will get a chance to lay the blocks out again for a final fiddling. Once I am happy with the "look" I will then number them in readiness for sewing together.
I stopped work on the quilt last weekend to make a "mini" project but more about that later.