Back in January I nominated 3 items to finish for the 100 day challenge. First was my 365 daily circle quilt, second the rainbow scrap quilt and third was a new bag. Now for the report card - at the 30 day check-in in February I reported that some work had been achieved on the 365 daily circle quilt, nothing on the rainbow quilt and the bag had been completed and used a couple of times.
At the 60 day check-in point during March I was at the point of "just wanting to finish" off the circle quilt and nothing done on the rainbow quilt.
At the 100 day check-in point my 365 daily circle quilt has been finished and now that the weather is turning cooler of a night it is nice to snuggle up underneath it while watching tv and during the add breaks I can reminisce about what happened on a certain day but sadly nothing has happened with the rainbow quilt.
Thanks Jen for organising the challenge and to see if others achieved their goals pop over to Jen's blog at Quilter in the Closet.
Back soon with some progress photos on the fairy quilt for Miss M and in the meantime
sewing all
You still did very well girl! Looking forward to seeing that quilt.
Congratulations on finishing your circle quilt - an impressive finish! x
Very impressed with your achievement on the circle quilt - it looks stunning!
Two out of three is great progress in my book!
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