Sunday, June 25, 2017

Bits and bobs

As always the quilt and craft fair is very inspiring and motivating and since visiting on Thursday I have "made" 27 quilts in my mind when in actual fact I have had very little time to sew this past week and only achieved getting Sunbonnet Sam stitched to the background fabric and sandwiched ready to quilt.  The baby is not due until August so I do have a little while to go yet before the wall hanger becomes an emergency.

I was very restrained with my buying at the craft fair even though there was sign saying "Your husband phoned ahead and said  buy whatever you want".

Rotary cutter blades are always a must as are bobbins - I never have enough bobbins - especially when doing applique and trying to match the top and bottom threads, bobbin holders.      I think these will be a good investment as I am sick of chasing bobbins across the sewing table and having them unravel as they roll away from me.    Some "O" rings to use when making bag handles, some pretty pink and white daisy lace and a fat quarter of Tinkerbell fabric - Miss M loves Tinkerbell and some charms and other bits and bobs as you can see.

Miss M has been staying with us for the weekend and we visited the Zoo yesterday.     Today we are going to make a chocolate cake, play snakes and ladders and shop keepers as well as riding her bike and feeding the ducks.  

Linking with Oh Scrap

Back soon and in the meantime

Happy sewing all


My Arty-Farty Happy Place said...

Craft shows can be deadly at times, that's why I very rarely go these days, and besides it is on here in Brisbane around the time we have our break up at Bjelke Petersen Dam! Am glad though that you enjoyed your day out.

Anonymous said...

Hi Karen lovely buys i always get rotary blades too at these events.
How lovely you got to have fun with Miss M,hope you have a lovely Sunday xx

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

You were quite restrained! Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

Ondrea said...

Love your Sunbonnet Sam. Great purchases too. Enjoy.

Bethan said...

You were incredibly restrained - both with your purchases and with the amount of ideas you had coming out of the craft show. Hope you had a good time with Miss M x

harada57 said...
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