Wednesday, August 7, 2019

5 Down with 20 to go

This week in the sewing room saw a production line of aprons happening.   Below are about 12 - all cut out, the aprons overlocked and the straps  pinned ready to sew.

And here are 5 completed.

I also managed to finish off another beanie and make a start on the next one.

Back soon and in the meantime

Happy sewing all


My Arty-Farty Happy Place said...

You have done an incredible job on those tablecloths Karen, I am sure that the aprons will be much appreciated.

Maria said...

Good to have the aprons done...
Lovely beanie and nice pink for the next one..

Ondrea said...

Love the fabric your aprons are made with. Beanies would be so needed right now.

Bethan said...

You really have been churning through the aprons and beanies!