Saturday, August 24, 2019

A day trip

To Morpeth was where hubs and I headed today.  Morpeth is located approximately 2 hours driving time north of where we live and is an historic river port on the banks of the Hunter River.   Of course on arrival one must support one of the many local cafés.

And enjoy freshly made scones with jam and cream as well as a coffee.

Time to move on and explore more of the area.   The main street is lined with old buildings which have been quite well preserved and house a range of shops in them. 

This cow is in the entrance to the Teddy Bear shop and as you can see the teddys are enjoying their picnic.

There are many pretty alleyways to be explored

 Some old plaques which line the footpath and as you can see the town dates quite away back.

Whilst I am not a lolly eater I did have a weakness for black cats in my school days and over the years I have found that they are increasingly hard to obtain and whilst browsing in the lolly shop what should I find but a packet of black cats.   I will eat them sparingly to make them last - maybe!

Back soon and in the meantime

Happy sewing all



My Arty-Farty Happy Place said...

Sounds like you had a lovely day, however Karen I am not impressed! You went to a teddy bear shop and didn't tell me!! Trust you enjoyed your visit though.

Ondrea said...

It is so nice when one comes across preserved towns. Australia has a tendency to destroy things rather than preserve history even though we are a young country. Looks like a beautiful town. Yummy scones.

retdairyqueen said...

Looks like a great place to visit
Enjoy your black cats Yumm

Fiona said...

a lovely place to visit. Like you we try and support the local places in small country towns too... particularly food and beverage places!

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

It looks like a lovely place to visit and that you had a fab time. Enjoy your sweets!

Pink Rose said...

Hi Karen wow what a wonderful place to visit ,love your pics,lol I remember the black cats,yum xx

Bethan said...

Looks like a lovely trip - thank you for sharing your pictures x