I was lucky enough to make an early start in the sewing room today and it was needed as I had to produce 3 small crossbody bags that were on order and are for delivery tomorrow.
Late last year Miss M asked me if I could make her a nightie with long sleeves and my reply was "how about I make it next year when the nights are getting cooler". That was the right decision on my part as she has had a tremendous growth spurt over those past few months and what would have been made last year would not fit her now. Some stretch fabric was spotted last week while browsing around Spotlight so enough was bought to make a waltz length nightie with long sleeves. It has been many years since I have sewn with stretch fabrics and I had forgotten just how easy, quick and forgiving sewing with them is. The pattern used was a "Frankenstien" one - a bit from this one, a bit from that one and bit from my own hand. Here is the result.

It was a beautiful clear morning here today - something that we have not had too many of lately although we have been able to see four of the five brightest planets aligned in the early morning sky on a couple of occasions. This was taken just on sunrise looking east from our bedroom.
I have noticed over the past week that Blogger has not been playing nicely again and has cut out my email notifications. This happened a couple of years ago and I was able to go in and fix it but this time the option to go in and change what I did last time is not there. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Time to head on over
here to see more FNWF sewing/crafting. Thank you Cheryll for hosting us again.
P.S. A big thank you to
Jo who contacted me via email and gave me very clear instructions on how to fix the lack of email notifications coming through.
Back soon and in the meantime
Hope you are now receiving comments
Well done on a productive day. I hope the nightie is well received. I do like the fabric choice. What a nice morning photo. I haven’t ventured out early enough to see the planets, too busy getting ready for work, or today by not getting up early. It was a frost here, so I was happy to stay in bed for a while.
Hi Karen. Has this come through now
Nice productive day Karen. The bags & the nightie look lovely. Hugs, xx
Great bags and nightie Karen, you were very productive!
Dreams will be sweet in such a pretty nightie xx
Good job getting the bags finished in time.
Very pretty nightgown. And I'll bet it will be comfy.
Glad you got comments fixed. I had that issue a few months ago, and the old fix was no longer available, but I finally got it figured out. Hope we both don't have to go through that again and find another way to make it work.
Well Karen, it certainly doesn't look Frankenstein-ish, but I love the way you used that term to describe your magnificent design process. She will love it.
Good on Jo. We have to stick together and help out where we can.
You've been busy as always.
Nice work Karen... & I'm so pleased you were able to join in FNwF again this month...xox
Miss M will love her nice warm nightie . Good that you are getting orders for things . Hope all is well now with blogger.
always been afraid of stretch......well done she will be a happy girl.......
I saw a few of the planets.........theres been some cool skies.........
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