We were notified by the local Council that re-surfacing of the road outside our property would be taking place from 20th August to 31st August between the hours of 7 pm to 5 am. This photo was taken at 11 pm and as you can see the lights are very bright and the large machinery that is operating is very noisy. The lights have been going out at 4 am. Not conducive to getting a decent night's sleep.

In my zombie like state during the day I did manage to get the second item on my "to do list" ticked off.
When going for a walk I came across a garden bed full of Spring.
Finished reading this book
And started listening to this book audiobook. I enjoy reading/listening to Di Morrissey books and this one is set in our area - even though the names of the surrounding areas have been slightly changed it is easy to recognise where she is describing.
Three more toddler beanies were finished off when at knitting group yesterday.
Hubs and I have a birthday within 3 weeks of each other so we pick a day in the middle and go out to lunch at our favourite restaurant to celebrate. Some birthday bubbles
Hub's favourite meal would be fish 'n chips and I went for the salmon with chat potatoes and greens.
And seeing that we never eat dessert at home we treated ourselves. Hubs had the pavlova and I ordered lemon tart.
Dinner was not on the menu last night.
Today was the 100 party for the Manly Branch of the CWA. The theme was edible, tea cosies and aprons. I will do a separate post as there are a lot of photos to share.
Back soon and in the meantime