Friday, June 21, 2024

Bother, bother, bother

An early start was made this morning in the sewing room as my goal for FNSI was to bind three small quilts that have been waiting patiently on the side of the sewing table for the past couple of weeks.  The binding had been cut and pressed for all three.  The first one that I picked up......what

After some not so nice words were uttered and a rummage through the stash find the neessary fabric, cut, press and fill in the missing bit a finish was achieved.     Then it was time to move onto the remaining two which I am pleased to report did not present any issues.   Here they are all bound.  

Another two beanies were also finished off during the week.

This book was keeping me company as the sewing was happening.   

The word "secretary" drew me to this book as I carried this title earlier in my working life.   I had to have a laugh to myself as the character described her time at secretarial college in 1919 which sounded very much like what it was like when I attended technical college (now known as TAFE) back in 1969.  Pounding away on a manual typewriter, shorthand, grammar, deportment, dress sense for the office, hair and make up.   It also goes on to mention ironing of one's clothes and that of your boss......fortunately that was not in my curriculum.  It also said that a good secretary is "the gatekeeper for the boss" and many the time I was forced to tell an "untruth" as to the whereabouts of the boss via the phone.  

Over the years the title of secretary has been changed to PA and with every desk having a computer and digital recording devices the role has changed dramatically over the years.  

It looks like another cold night ahead of us so after organising a quick dinner seeing that hubs and I had lunch out today and then put myself in front of the tv with some knitting while joining in with FNSI.  This yarn is called 'magic stripes' and comes out looking like fairisle without the hardwork.

Back soon and in the meantime

Happy sewing all   

P.S.     Blogger will now allow me to change the text colour again!!!!!!!!!.


Lin said...

Nice to have those three finishes but how annoying about that little missing bit! xx

loulee said...

Lovely finishes despite the hiccup. Love that yarn you are working with, so very pretty.

Fiona said...

AAArgh and that was such a small bit of binding needed! glad you found a bit to use.... Great to have all those quilts done and lovely beanies. I love the look of that new yarn. Yes, amazing the difference now the 'secretaries' are gone ...


Maria said...

So annoying when you’re just that 1” or 2” short…pleased you found a good match.
The three quilts all look fabulous.
Two cute beanies .
Always great to have the company of an audio book.
Look forward to seeing what you make with the interesting yarn.

Great job an the bags in previous post.

Susie H said...

I had to laugh at the secretarial part of your post. I too was a secretary early on. My boss would tell me I was more than a secretary and should be called a PA. I said whatever, I was proud of my job whatever you wanted to call it! Lol!

Congrats on finally getting around to your bindings and great start on a pair of socks. Love the "magical" yarns too!

Ondrea said...

Oooo I love that yarn! Great quilt finishes despite the hiccup. I wonder why the binding was like that? Strange. More warm head covers for some lucky people.

Susan said...

How aggravating to be a few inches too short!

Love that yarn....may need to investigate!

dq said...

I love the quilts displayed on the raining.
The binding being that close - crazy annoying!