Saturday, August 17, 2024

Catching up and FNSI

This month is just skidding by.   A few family members have had health issues, which hopefully are being sorted out, a few more have clocked up another year on the birthday ladder and so life goes on.  

When joining in with FNSI last night I worked on sewing the drawstring channels on the library bags which are also my Chookshed challenge # 3.  

Here are the 21 all turned and ready for delivery.  Very happy to have those completed.

A few more beanies have come off the needles over the course of the last couple of weeks and another about to

This month's book club book is

I have read Mao's Last Dancer and look forward to starting this one.  

During the week I popped into the City to see an exhibition marking the gift of David Jones' archieves to the Powerhouse Museum.   There is going to be over 3,000 items donated to the museum detailing the 186 year old history of the store.  Unfortunately there was only a very small selection of items on show in the store.  For more than half a century the department's store distinctive black and white houndstooth pattern has featured on everything from bags to garments.

This is the view from the 8th floor of the store looking back across Hyde Park and St Mary's Cathedral.

That about wraps up what has been happening so I am off the do some blog hopping to catch up what the other bloggers have been up to over the past couple of weeks.

Back soon and in the meantime

Happy sewing all 


dq said...

Such a lovely window with a lovely view! Too bad there were not more entries, but I do love the black and white checked clothing on the mannequins.

Janice said...

It must feel good to finish the library bags. Hopefully there will be a bigger exhibition of the DJs archive in the future. So much history in that store.

Lin said...

Good to have those bags all done. xx

jude's page said...

A good feeling to get something crossed off your list.

kiwikid said...

Wonderful bags and beanies! The view from the window is beautiful.

Maria said...

Great to have the bags finished. More cute beanies .Nice day in the city.

loulee said...

Great to see progress on your projects. Those beanies are cute. said...

What an accomplishment with those bags! I need to get knitting some hats for winter and for're really getting lots of them knitted and so pretty too.
The book looks interesting and so did the museum showing. Have a great week!

Ondrea said...

Whew! I bet you are glad all those bags are finished lol. Remember not to say yes to more lol. Maybe more beanies??? You seem to enjoy knitting them and they always look so lovely.

Fiona said...

sounds like a busy week. I always find that the health and social things make up for quite a bit of our time... not a bad thing at all but just an observation. Well done on the library bags and beanies.... That would be a fun exhibition

Jeanna said...

You made great progress on the library bags. The exhibition sounds interesting.

Susan said...

Is DJ's closing??....I recall when there was a doorman to greet customers
good job on the beanies & bags