Sunday, August 4, 2024

Chookshed Challenge #3

According to the my list made way back when is heat packs but this is going to be changed to making library bags as I volunteered to make more library bags, when I handed the others over back in June, for Network Heaven and seeing that the packing process starts next month it is time to get these done.

Time to get out the tape measure, rotary cutter, cutting board and overlocker to get the job done.

Thanks Deana for organising us.  

Back soon hopefully with a progress report and in the meantime

Happy sewing all 


Janice said...

I’m sure you will have those knocked over in no time.

Maria said...

Your a champion at making these bags… go girl.

Jeanna said...

That fabric will make lovely library bags!

Michelle Ridgway said...

Yay for library bags! Love our libraries! Xx