I have come to a standstill on the oriental quilt for the time being as I have stopped off to do a couple of smaller projects. The following is a photo of a tablerunner and matching placemats I made for a friend. She likes a things bright so I hope these fit the "bill"
Very bright - but I just love this fabric and hope my friend does as well.
When I am not sewing I do knitting of a night in front of TV. I knit squares for Wrap with Love and I then pass them onto a friend who sews them together. I do not like the sewing up process so we have a good arrangement going. Looking at this basket of wool - which is about half of the wool I have - I will be knitting for quite a few nights to come!
While the rest of the country is sweltering our garden is certainly enjoying the heat especially the hibiscus.
Karen your table runner and placemats look great and I am sure your friend will love them. Your amount of wool will keep you busy for a few nights by the look of that amount!! Happy knitting and the hibiscus look lovely.
I love the runner and placemats .
clares craftroom
The table runner and placemats are lovely. I'm sure your friend will love to have them. I wish I could grow hibiscus where I live but I think the climate would be to hard on them. Beautiful flowers.
Karen thanks for stopping by my blog and entering my giveaway , good luck .
clares craftroom
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