Sunday, September 5, 2010

I have been bitten by the bug.....

Well it was inevitable I suppose that this was going to happen. I have been bitten by the "hexie" bug. For sometime now on the Craft Forum the ladies have been doing a framed hexie swap and a flower hexie swap and I have been drooling over these gorgeous creations for weeks. I was awake in the early hours of the morning...which I believe is the time when we are at our weakest point... and it hit me hard. When I woke the next morning it was still with me and I knew that I could not ignore this and had to act straight away.

I had signs all around me pointing me in this direction. Yesterday Google featured a picture of the buckyball - hexagon shapes - and one of the patchwork books given to me as a birthday present had hexies on the front.

Off I went to my sewing room knowing that I had to follow a few rules (my rules)

1. I was going only to use what I have in my stash
2. All the centres are to be white
3. Only using small/medium floral prints
4. Backgrounds with not too much white as I wanted the centres to stand out and be a contrast.
5. Equal number of light, medium and dark hexies flowers

Bearing all of the above in mind after couple of hours I had cut out quite a few flowers and centres and sorted out the dark prints which need to be washed before cutting here is my progress to date.

At this point I have to give an honourable mention to my dear hubby - a very patient man - who I have seconded into cutting up hexie shapes for me. As you can see he has made a good start with only a few thousand left - but I won't tell him that at this point! I will just keep adding a couple of sheets to his pile each day. I don't think he will notice - do you?


Michell said...

Yes the ladies doing the hexie swap have inspired me too and I went and bought a pack of 1 1/2" hexie templates a couple of days ago

barb's creations said...

Shhh don't tell Ondrea but I've just bought a pkt of 2" hexie templates and like you can't wait to start on a few.....thousand lol ) Barb.

Shirlwin said...

Poor dear Hubby ... he is being conned! But ... all in an excellent cause! It is a sad fact though, there is no cure for this bug. Except of course, to keep on making hexagons!

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

LOL - Poor hubby.
I must not succumb because I know that as soon as I start, I'll be hooked. I love love love looking at everyones hexie designs.

Anonymous said...

to get him to cut quicker staple a few sheets together i.e print one hexi page then make a little stack of plain paper and put a staple through each hexi. After HE has cut them he can take the staple out and walah you have more hexis!!!!

Liz said...

As my 2 boys say..."mum and her cyber buddies!!!"
Ds 13 loves cutting out the papers. Good maths I tell him.