There are only 2 days left of 2018 so it is time to start thinking of moving out of the old year and into the new one. This past year has had its ups and downs for me personally as well as other family members and friends - as most years do.
In my previous post I reviewed the year in regard to my sewing and was pleased with what I had achieved both in the amount and variety. I did name 2018 as being "the year of the smaller item" and the previous one "the year of finishing off UFO's" both of which I stuck to but as we are about enter into 2019 I am looking around my sewing room and find that all UFO's and WIP's are completed and there are no more plans for smaller items to be sewn. What does this mean - that I am efficient or there is a lack of forward planning?
Over the years I have taken part in quite a few mystery quilts and ended up with some surprising results - some of which are my favourites. I have also joined in scrap challenges and never cease to be amazed at what can be created out of leftovers. Some of the colour combinations I would never have put together which just goes to show that you need to think outside your comfort zone.
This coming year I am going to "go with the flow" in regard to my sewing and whilst there are no firm plans I do keep finding inspiration and adding notes to "my one day list". One thing that I have added to that list to try is a technique called "quilt collage". There are some very inspiring works on the "net" which need to be looked at in detail.
What plans do you have for 2019 in regard to your sewing? You can share them here or see what others plan on doing.
Back soon and in the meantime
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