Saturday, June 8, 2024

Back to Library bags, Chookshed Challenge # 10 & FNwF

I was contacted by the co-ordinator of Network Heaven and asked if I could sew up some library bags for this year's shipment to Sri Lanka in September.   A bag of fabric was handed to me and so it was time to make a start on cutting out the bags which was done during the week

And they were put through the overlocker last night when joining in with other FNwF crafters.

Now all that is left to be done is to sew the channel for the drawstring cord, turn them inside out and mission completed.     We are not meeting again until the end of the month so there is plenty of time to finish them off.  

While the cutting and sewing was happening this book was playing alongside me.   Set in northern England in 1890 it is about the trials of women trying to get the vote.

Two more beanies were finished off and another started during the week.

This month's book club book is

I have to admit that I did not even give last months book the usual 2 chapter chance that I give all books before giving up on them - which is the first time with any book that I have not even opened it - as the subject matter did not appeal to me and judging from what the opinions of the other members were I was not wrong.  

More reading matters

This month's Chookshed challenge is #10 which according to my list is baby's bibs.   Getting out some suitable fabrics to make a start also happened yesterday.

That about wraps up this week - don't forget to hop over here to see what else was happening with the other FNwF in their craft rooms.   

Back soon and in the meantime

Happy sewing all  

4 comments: said...

What a great idea to make book bags for youngsters. How selfless of you and I bet they really appreciate them. Your beanies are precious and such pretty yarns. Those material are going to make darling bibs. I am a big reader too. Are you on Good Reads? Enjoy sewing those bibs!

ButterZ said...

You are working on a variety of projects. So many to keep you busy

Lin said...

A busy week then! xx

kiwikid said...

That is a large piece of fabric for book bags!! Lovely beanies, hope you enjoy the next book.